- Latest Canasta Club News! -
Posted by Marina Handwerk | Apr-18-2012
April 29 Mystery Hunt
Our team is Canastasize! and the password is a single space. If you are participating (which you should, it will be awesome), please add yourself ASAP and specify your shirt size.
Posted by pftq | Apr-16-2012
Apr.21 Trip to Twin Peaks

If you are interested in joining us as well, please let us know!! Just sign up on the website (link at bottom for emails).

The Plan (or lack thereof)

- Camera
- Yourself
- $12 for BART/bus
- Money for food and souvenirs.
10am = Meet at BART on Shattuck.
10:15am = Take Milbrae train to Embarcadero.
11am = Take the M lightrail to Castro. Walk to Market/17th.
11:20am = Take Bus 37 to Crestline/Vista.
11:40am =
12pm = Stare for 10 minutes.
12:15pm = Walk to Parkridge/Burnett. Take Bus 37 to Market/Castro, L lightrail back to Metro Montgomery.
12:50pm = Walk northwest to Sutter/Kearny. Take Bus 45 west to Union / Hyde.
1:15pm = Become one with ice cream.
2pm = Yay for 3 hours.
5pm = Walk south to Hyde/Pacific. Take bus 10 east to Sutter/Market, BART back to Berkeley.
Posted by mylittlelucas | Jan-16-2012
Jan. 27 First Official Meeting!

Hello! Welcome to the UC Berkeley's Canasta Club's official website!
Never played Canasta, or even heard of it? Don't worry! Most of us didn't have a clue what Canasta was when we joined, but we all learned together along the way

Our club is dedicated to fun, fun, and more fun! That's right! We play board games, card games, dice games, video games, solve puzzles (the murder mystery type ones, or just any, actually), eat pineapples, go skiing, ask Haotian, play tennis, badminton, racket ball, watch movies, and, of course, play the one thing that brought us all together, Canasta!
As you can see, we've expanded to do much more than just Canasta, and any new ideas for adventures are welcome! Check out our Everything page to get a small taste of what we do!
Interested? We meet every Friday, 7pm-9pm in 187 Dwinelle, and this Friday, January 27th, is our first official meeting of the semester! There's absolutely no obligations, so swing by and check us out!

Hope to see you all there!
Posted by pftq | Dec-20-2011
Ladder Rankings Recalculated Without Bonuses

Should make things a bit more competitive.
Posted by mylittlelucas | Dec-08-2011
Dec. 9 Reunion!

Canasta Club will be having a reunion tomorrow (Dec. 9) at 7:30pm!! We're planning on just having a quick get together dinner with everyone, so we can all go back to "studying" ASAP. We'll be meeting up in Durant Food Court (some people call this place Asian Ghetto), at Sushi House! So get your food from where ever, and meet us at Sushi House!
Looking forward to seeing everyone for the last time (maybe) before break! And if we don't see you there, good luck on finals and have fun over break!!

Posted by pftq | Nov-21-2011
Dec.2 Awards and Winter Festives

And so it's another year over. Come join Canasta Club for its semesterly end-of-semester tournament awards followed by a mix of fun holiday activities to celebrate the holidays!
For the club half of the day, we'll also be throwing together a White Elephant gift exchange just for fun. Just bring a wrapped gift (make it either nice or funny) with no name written on it. We'll throw all the gifts in one pile and take turns either unwrapping a new gift or stealing from another member.

Those of you who haven't been around for a while - it'd be a nice surprise for you to drop by!

This last meeting of the semester, as usual, will be held *initially* in 88 Dwinelle at 7pm, Friday Dec.2. We'll spend about the first hour there, but afterwards, who knows where we'll be!
Don't be late!

@DeCal: For those still missing points and want to raise their grade, any additional games played this day will count towards extra credit.

Posted by pftq | Oct-28-2011
Nov.11 Skiing

It'll be at Boreal (www.borealski.com) as usual. Your first time will cost $70 but includes rentals and lessons as well. Then the 2nd and 3rd time you go will only cost $30 for the same deal (and more advanced lessons).
We'll leave early at 7am and head home about 5pm; bring food if you don't want to buy. If you or your parent can drive, please ask. It's a regular highway with multiple lanes - no narrow roads, not too far into the winter so you shouldn't need chains.
Time and Place:
6am = Be ready to be picked up. Leave Berkeley.
8am = Arrive in Sacramento, leave for Boreal.
10am = Arrive at Boreal.
5pm = Leave Boreal to head home.
6pm = Dinner in Sacramento.
7pm = Leave Sacramento for Berkeley.
9pm = Back in Berkeley.
Weather to check just incase:
Posted by pftq | Oct-28-2011
Oct.30 Tennis and Movie

Bringing back some of the summer time activities here... On Sunday Oct.30, we'll be meeting up for tennis in the evening, followed by dinner and a movie later that night.
6pm = Tennis, Hearst Courts.
7pm = Dinner from Asian Ghetto, movie at 2525 Durant Ave.
There are a few movies we can select from. They'll be in a similar genre to "Donnie Darko".
If you want to join us, let us know by signing up for the event or replying back.

Posted by pftq | Oct-07-2011
Oct.16 Six Flags Fright Fest
If you are interested in joining us as well, please let us know!! Just sign up on the website, link at bottom of email.

The Plan (or lack thereof)

What to Bring:
- Camera
- Yourself
- $40 for ticket/bus
- Money for food and souvenirs.
- Shoes that don't fly off.
8:20am: Meet at BART (2160 Shattuck)
8:30am: Take BART to El Cerrito, then Bus 80 to Vallejo Ferry, 85 to Six Flags
10:00am: Get to Six Flags - Yay!
12:00pm: Lunch at back of park (food court).
1-8pm: Yay for 7 hours
8:00pm: Regroup at front.
7:30/9:30pm: Walk to Bus 85, ..yadayada.. Berkeley.
8:30/11:30pm: Get home and bah.
Posted by Marina Handwerk | Sep-20-2011
Oct.2 Ice Skating and Bowling!
The Canasta Club will be going ice skating and bowling at the Yerba Buena Ice Skating and Bowling Center on Sunday, October 2nd.
Admission is $11 including skate rental. Bowling is $35/lane/hour. Bowling shoe rental is $4. Officially we will be going to both, but you just can leave, for example, after ice skating if you want.
The Plan (or lack thereof):
2:15pm: Meet at 2525 Durant Ave. Walk to BART.
2:48pm: BART Richmond to Freemont, transfer at McArthur to Pittsburg/Bay Point
3:15pm: Get off at Powell. Walk to Yerba Buena Bowling Center, 750 Folsom Street
3:30pm: Arrive. Rent skates.
4:00pm: Yay for 1.5 hours. (0 fails permitted, but many falls allowed)
6:30pm: BOWLING NEXT DOOR! Yay for 2 hours. (0 gutters permitted)
8:00pm: BART back toward Richmond.
Posted by mylittlelucas | Sep-06-2011
First Day of Class!

Hello everyone and welcome to the first semester of the Canasta DeCal! Just a reminder the first day of class will be this Friday, September 9, at 7pm in 88 Dwinelle. You are not required to bring anything but yourselves as we'll be providing the cards and everything else you'll be needing to play.
For DeCal students!
We'll be going over administrative details, such as what we'll be doing this semester, what to expect, what it takes to fail this course... After that we'll jump straight into teaching everyone the basics of the game and letting you learn the game hands on.
Important Administrative Announcement: This course is only 1 unit. The berkeley site is slow to update this, but if you cannot/don't want to take this as a result, please drop immediately.
For everyone else! (and waitlist/audit)
Still absolutely come! Everyone gets to play regardless if they are in the DeCal or not, all the games will be here, the club is still here. If you don't know how to play Canasta, as usual, we will teach you!

The only difference now is that the first couple hours will be strictly Canasta. After that... the usual.

See you all this Friday! =D
P.S. For questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to go ahead and reply to this thread. You should all have an account and be able to reply or start discussions via email or website, just like with GoogleGroups.
Posted by pftq | Sep-03-2011
The Other Best Ice Cream in the WORLD

To quote Perlin: "Hello, hello, everyone! I hope

The Plan (or lack thereof):
5PM = Meet in front of South-side asian ghetto or 2525 Durant.
5PM-6PM = Take bus 1 south to 55th/Telegraph, then bus 12 south to Piedmont/Glenwood. 2 fails permitted.
6PM-7PM = Yay for 1 hour. 0 fails permitted.
7PM-8PM = Take bus 12 north to 55th/Telegraph, bus 1 back to Berkeley. 2 fails permitted.
Posted by pftq | Aug-20-2011
EVERYTHING is Now Online!

But what have we actually done so far? Our activities have ranged from randomly heading out to a show or movie, playing Bomberman with 10 people, traveling up to the Botanical Gardens in the rain, getting lost on the way to Six Flags, eating the best ice cream in the

(and probably will be able to understand the meaning of the last sentence but not be able to recite it)

If you're interested in tennis, head over right over to the Tennis section; we play every Friday. If you want to know what movies we might be watching soon (though we rarely know ourselves), head right over to our Movie Nights section. If you're dying to know the meaning of life, go Ask Haotian. If you have ideas for other discussions or activities, you can also suggest a new section and we'll set it up.
This is just a taste of what's to come. More sections will be added soon. Perlin, for example, is planning a book club section (but she's in Malaysia so that might be "eventually" rather than "soon").
Hope you guys will find it useful. As always, suggestions and feedback are welcome.

Posted by pftq | Aug-04-2011
The Canasta DeCal is Official!

Beginning Fall 2011, the Canasta Club will be hosting its first ever and only first ever forever ever first Canasta DeCal course for the first time ever!
After chasing after professors to sponsor us for more than 34 weeks, 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds, the DeCal is finally official!

Course Details
DeCal Page: https://www.decal.org/courses/canasta
1 Unit | Pass/Fail
Course on schedule.berkeley.edu:
Lower Division: https://osoc.berkeley.edu/OSOC/osoc?p_ccn=16625&p_term=FL
Upper Division: https://osoc.berkeley.edu/OSOC/osoc?p_ccn=16628&p_term=FL
More details to be posted on our new DeCal page here:
(Please note that the club will continue to run simultaneously alongside it in a tangent universe. Existing members do NOT need to enroll and we encourage everyone to come and keep playing Canasta!)
Posted by hsch | Jul-14-2011
Harry Potter part 2
The Plan (Or Lack Thereof)
Date: July 15, 2011
5:00PM Tennis at Hearst Courts
7:00PM Get food. Click for an artist's impression of this scenario.
7:30PM Yay for 1.5 hours
9:00PM walk to UA Berkeley theatre located at 2274 Shatttuck Ave

9:30PM Movie starts
11:40PM Spoiler Alert: Voldemort dies
Posted by mylittlelucas | Jul-07-2011
The Other Best Ice Cream

The Plan (or lack thereof):

7PM - Transit, Dinner, and ice cream at Fenton's!
The transit:
7:22PM - Get on the 12, stop is on Allston Way, street right before BART
8:00PM - Arrive and omnomnom!

~9:00PM - Walk to Telegraph Ave. and get on the 1 back to Berkeley
Yay! I hope this isn't too last minute, and see everyone tomorrow!
Posted by pftq | Jul-02-2011
Jul.4 Fireworks Day

The Plan (or lack thereof)
6:00PM = Meet at 2525 Durant Ave. Head to BART.
7:00PM = Get off at Embarcadero. Yay for 2 hours.
9:00PM = Fireworks begin over the bay!
10:00PM = Crawl back to Berkeley.
Details on the fireworks and bay events:
Let us know if you're going - or surprise us the day of!
Posted by mylittlelucas | May-06-2011

Since we've all been working so hard (or not), a little break is in order! So today, May 6th (seis de Mayo), we're having a canasta reunion at Crossroads for late night!! William has kindly volunteered to swipe everyone in, so come on out to our final get together before the school year ends! We'll be meeting outside Crossroads at 9:50pm sharp and heading in together, so don't be late!

Questions, comments, concerns? Just shoot back a reply or call/text.
Hope to see everyone soon,
Posted by Marina Handwerk | Apr-28-2011
Final meeting.
It's the same room as always, 136 Barrows, from 7pm until sometime very late at night/early in the morning!
Posted by 97057 | Apr-09-2011
Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco (4/17)
https://nccbf.org/ is the general website
https://nccbf.org/index.php/schedule-of-events for a list of events
What to Bring:
- Camera
- Yourself
- $7.30 for the BART ticket
- Money for food and souvenirs.
So the general plan will be...
10:00 am Meet up at the BART station (2160 Shattuck)
10:30 am Ride the BART/get there around (at civic center)
11:00 am Get to the festival center
12-5 pm Have fun / possibly get dinner in Japantown
As for the general logistics of it, if anybody's curious...
Downtown Berkeley Bart Station to Civic Center (about 26 min, fare is $3.65 per way, $7.30 both ways)

and the walking path
(edit: I'm new to this planning stuff, so tell me if I missed anything xD. Thanks!)
Posted by pftq | Apr-09-2011
New 'Find Games' Page Online
If you look at the Canasta Club website now, you will find a new tab called 'Find Games'.

The new Game Finder feature will let you create and join game requests (meeting times). This makes it much easier to meet up or play Canasta outside of the weekly club meetings. Rather than wonder hopelessly who else might happen to be free, or call everyone and risk spamming people, you can just create a game and be notified when someone joins it.

You will receive emails everytime someone joins or leaves your game, so you do not have to worry about constantly checking the page or forgetting you had a game up there to begin with.

Any questions, just let me know. Feel free to test it out and see how things go. Hopefully this will come in handy for setting up times outside of Friday evenings. For example, there are a few of you who have asked to play on Yahoo Games (auto shuffling/dealing/scoring) but have no idea who else would be free; this should make it easier to organize such a meetup.

Posted by Marina Handwerk | Mar-31-2011
Reminder: Tournament
Posted by pftq | Mar-17-2011
Apr.2 Six Flags Vallejo Trip
On Saturday April 2nd, the Canasta Club will be taking a trip to Six Flags
If you are interested in joining us as well, please let us know!! Just sign up on the website, link at bottom of email.

The Plan (or lack thereof)

What to Bring:
- Camera
- Yourself
- $40 for ticket/bus
- Money for food and souvenirs.
- Shoes that don't fly off.
8:20am: Meet at BART (2160 Shattuck)
8:30am: Take BART, then Bus 80, 2, and walk.
10:00am: Get to Six Flags - Yay!
12:00pm: Lunch at back of park (food court).
1-6pm: Yay for 5 hours
6:00pm: Regroup at front.
6:30pm: Walk to Bus 2, ..yadayada.. Berkeley.
8:30pm: Get home and bah.
Anyways, I hope to see most of you there. Even if you don't like rides, there are AMINALS, and if you don't like them either, there are GO KARTS and GAMES. Lots of fun stuff - don't miss out.

Posted by mylittlelucas | Mar-08-2011
Field Trip!
Reply to this email/sign up to let us know if you want to go so we can buy presale tickets! Presale is $5 and it's $7 at the door. If not enough people show interest, we can always just fall back on meeting up like a regular Friday. We also have the rest of the night after the show to play Canasta/watch movies/go to Crossroads, but it's all up to you guys! So please reply/sign up asap!

A little more information on the Theatre Rice event:
March 11th, 7pm-10pm
(stolen from their facebook page)
Hope to hear from everyone soon!
Posted by pftq | Mar-02-2011
Mar.6 Trip to Lawrence Hall of Sciences and Botanical Gardens
The Canasta Club will be taking a trip up to the Lawrence Hall of Science and the UC Botanical Gardens this Sunday, March 6. The two attractions are near each other, have a great view of Cal+ ocean + SF, and most importantly... are both FREE.

If you are interested in joining us, please let us know!!

The Plan (or lack thereof)
We will meet initially at 10am on Euclid and Hearst Ave (northside, next to North Gate, across from Asian Ghetto).

Because the H line from Evans does not run on weekends, we will be taking a rather much more convoluted route to get there - via the 65 line!

No worries though - this means we get to pass through the Rose Garden on Northside as well - more views and scenery.

Remember to bring cameras and good shoes and enough clothes to keep you warm incase we decide to stay until the sun begins to set.

See you there!