Once upon a summer time, we went to the best ice cream in the
world SF. Then next week we tried to go to the other best ice cream but missed the bus. Now that school has started, we shall try again (and this time not let Perlin solely plan it

To quote Perlin: "Hello, hello, everyone! I hope
summer fall is going swell for you guys, and in lieu of our huge ice cream adventure success
last last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last Friday (Friday, Friday), we will be having another one tomorrow,
July 8th Sept. 4th at 5pm! This time we won't be heading far from Berkeley, because also on the list of Best Ice Cream places is none other than Fenton's!

The Plan (or lack thereof):5PM = Meet in front of South-side asian ghetto or 2525 Durant.
5PM-6PM = Take bus 1 south to 55th/Telegraph, then bus 12 south to Piedmont/Glenwood. 2 fails permitted.
6PM-7PM = Yay for 1 hour. 0 fails permitted.
7PM-8PM = Take bus 12 north to 55th/Telegraph, bus 1 back to Berkeley. 2 fails permitted.