Canasta Club  |  The Meld  |  News and Announcements  |  Jan. 27 First Official Meeting! « previous next »
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Linked Events
  • First Official Meeting!: January 27, 2012
  • Signed up (1/50):
    # Name

    Please login or register to sign up for this event.
    Actual Attendance (13):
    # Hours Name
    1. 3.75 reinholz
    2. 2 Eric Xie
    3. 3.75 Tangree
    4. 2 hwhw
    5. 2 lazypando
    6. 3.75 hsch
    7. 3.75 Marina Handwerk
    8. 2 mylittlelucas
    9. 1 shin
    10. 3.75 suparna
    11. 3.75 Ted Sanders
    12. 3.75 pftq
    13. 3 viinasu

    What We Actually Did:
    Opened with Perlin teaching everyone to play "Smartass", with Marina and Joy winning. Split into groups to play Canasta. Several leave after to go watch "Drive". The rest of us play "Wise and Otherwise" before calling it a night.
Author Topic: Jan. 27 First Official Meeting!  (Read 7016 times)
Posts: 89

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« on: January 16, 2012, 06:26:37 PM »

Hello! Welcome to the UC Berkeley's Canasta Club's official website!

Never played Canasta, or even heard of it? Don't worry! Most of us didn't have a clue what Canasta was when we joined, but we all learned together along the way :). We're happy to teach anyone and everyone willing to learn, and even have a ladder system and semesterly tournament!

Our club is dedicated to fun, fun, and more fun! That's right! We play board games, card games, dice games, video games, solve puzzles (the murder mystery type ones, or just any, actually), eat pineapples, go skiing, ask Haotian, play tennis, badminton, racket ball, watch movies, and, of course, play the one thing that brought us all together, Canasta!

As you can see, we've expanded to do much more than just Canasta, and any new ideas for adventures are welcome! Check out our Everything page to get a small taste of what we do!

Interested? We meet every Friday, 7pm-9pm in 187 Dwinelle, and this Friday, January 27th, is our first official meeting of the semester! There's absolutely no obligations, so swing by and check us out! :)

Hope to see you all there!

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