Hey everyone! I hope everything is well, and that midterms aren't too hectic =P
This Friday, October 29th, will be the last day to sign up for our Tournament! You can sign up at
TheFifthofNovember.com, or show up to our meeting on Friday at 215 Dwinelle and sign up then. If you don't have a partner yet, don't worry! Come out Friday and we'll find you one!

Since this Friday is the Friday before Halloween, we'll have a special treat waiting for you guys!

Stop by and find out what! We'll also be playing practice rounds (so it's important to come with your partner, or find a partner) in preparation for the Tournament next week, so be sure to show up!
Now how about a quick update with what's new with the club?
You've probably seen pictures being taken throughout our meetings and events, but ever wonder where they are? Well now you don't have to!
The Canasta Club Gallery is now up and running! Check out the pictures we've taken so far by clicking the Gallery tab at the top right, or by clicking
Ever wanted to help out during meetings? Want to learn how the club is run? Interested in teaching new members how to play?
Become an Officer! There is always room for more officers on our Canasta Board, and anyone interested in becoming more involved is welcome to apply! Read more about the different positions
Inside the Cabinet and
Contact Us if you're interested!

See you soon!