The Plan (Or Lack Thereof)
Date: Friday, July 1, 2011
Time: 3PM to 7PM (?)
What to bring:
Optional camera... to document ice cream awesomeness
Money for BART ($9.15)
Money for museum ($11)
Money for ice cream ($
1. Meet up at 3PM at Durant apartment.
2. Walk to BART and take BART to Montgomery Station in SF.
3. Walk to Museum of Modern Art.
4. Stare at art until kicked out (which happens at about 5:45PM)
5. Go back to Montgomery Station.
6. Take BART to 16th.
7. Walk to Bi-Rite Creamery ice cream place
8. Get ice cream. Duh.
9. Imitate Cho'gath. In other words, OM NOM NOM NOM NOM.
10. Get back to Berkeley via BART.
11. Dinner plans TBA.