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1  The Meld / General Discussion / Re: Dead Week on: May 08, 2012, 09:47:47 PM

Last final is 7pm Friday...

2  The Meld / General Discussion / Re: Dead Week on: April 30, 2012, 07:31:37 PM


3  The Meld / General Discussion / Re: Geoff's Graduation Luncheon, May 19 on: April 22, 2012, 09:30:15 AM
sorry I will be back in Vancouver by then...
4  The Meld / General Discussion / Theatre Rice Show on Friday on: April 12, 2012, 06:26:32 PM
anyone interested to see Theatre Rice's show this Friday?

7pm in Dwindle Dwinelle

Tickets are $3 each
5  The Meld / EVERYTHING / Re: Book Club on: March 24, 2012, 04:06:49 PM
I've been reading Dummit and Foote... I find their writing highly ABSTRACT and difficult to parse, to the point where I often have to re-read each chapter several times to grasp all of its nuances. Sadly, the book is not on sparknotes either...
6  The Meld / General Discussion / Theatre Rice Show on Friday on: February 26, 2012, 06:59:49 PM
poll unrelated, but...

anyone interested to see Theatre Rice's show this Friday?

Tickets are $3 each and are buy-5-get-6th-one-free.
7  The Meld / Club Events / Feb.20 Hike to the Big C on: February 16, 2012, 06:50:11 PM
On Feb. 20, we will hike up to the Big C.  So that we do not leave you behind, please let us know if you are coming along by signing up on the website.

(drawn to scale)

What to bring:

The plan (or the lack thereof):
11am-11:15am = Meet at 2525 Durant.
11:15am-12pm = Hike up east to the Big C.
12PM-12:30PM, yay for 1 hour. The view is really nice. Take pictures.
12:30PM-2PM, trace back the steps outlined below to get back to North Gate
2PM, (optional), get food at North Asian ghetto.

Step 1: Start at North Gate, the intersection of Hearst and Euclid

Step 2: Walk East along Hearst

Step 3: Keep walking along Hearst. The street turns into Cyclotron.

Step 4: Walk along Cyclotron and you soon see this sign. It should appear near a parking lot.

BTW, I find it pretty funny that this guy's face is censored on Google Maps:

Step 5: Keep walking a bit more and the fence on the right hand side of the road disappears. Investigate this site of disappearance.

Step 5, enhanced: Now you see the trail. Follow it.

The above discussion shows that North Gate and Big C are path connected, in theory. A practical verification of this fact is left to the reader on February 20.

8  The Meld / General Discussion / Hike to the Big C on: February 03, 2012, 04:48:56 PM
After some research, I have figured out how one might reach the Big C.

Step 1: Start at North Gate, the intersection of Hearst and Euclid

Step 2: Walk East along Hearst

Step 3: Keep walking along Hearst. The street turns into Cyclotron.

Step 4: Walk along Cyclotron and you soon see this sign. It should appear near a parking lot.

BTW, I find it pretty funny that this guy's face is censored on Google Maps:

Step 5: Keep walking a bit more and the fence on the right hand side of the road disappears. Investigate this site of disappearance.

Step 5, enhanced: Now you see the trail. Follow it.

The above discussion shows that North Gate and Big C are path connected, in theory. A practical verification of this fact is left to the reader. Probably this weekend.

9  The Meld / EVERYTHING / Re: Ask Haotian on: January 19, 2012, 10:12:16 PM
10  The Meld / News and Announcements / Re: Dec.2 Awards and Winter Festives on: November 30, 2011, 06:42:47 PM
very nice.

Randomly saw Haotian today. He says he's bringing something.
11  The Meld / General Discussion / Re: Thanksgiving Break on: November 20, 2011, 10:14:40 PM
how long is it? 2 miles? 5? 10?
12  The Meld / EVERYTHING / Re: Movie Nights on: November 04, 2011, 06:56:06 PM
There is a theatre rice show Saturday Nov 5 7PM 155 Dwinelle and Sunday Nov 6 7PM 155 Dwinelle.
13  The Basket / The DeCal / Tournament Tomorrow (Nov. 4) on: November 03, 2011, 05:57:38 PM
Hi Canasta Decal,

A reminder that the doubles tournament will be taking place tomorrow at the usual time and place. Be sure to attend.

If you do not yet have a partner, we will pair you up.
14  The Meld / News and Announcements / Re: Oct.30 Tennis and Movie on: October 30, 2011, 11:30:33 PM
15  The Basket / The DeCal / Re: About the attendance policy on: October 17, 2011, 07:31:32 PM

You can always view your current grade at

There is no limit on how many classes you can miss. However, the system grades you on attendance and you need an average of 80% by the end of the semester in order to pass. (I think it's 80%... check with William, he's the one setting the policy.)

If you are worried about not passing, you can always try to complete canasta decal's math problem sets for some extra credits. Here are the links to the problem sets:
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