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256  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.22 Chipotle Night! Mmm, Food! on: October 20, 2010, 08:32:59 PM
Just a reminder to tell us what kind of burrito you want for Friday.  The options are: Chicken, Steak, Carnitas (Pork), Barbocoa (beef).  They each come with chips, salsa, and guacamole.  Normally you just get the burrito for $7, so this really is pretty nice for $4. Smiley

So far:
William - 1x Chicken - $4
Perlin - 1x Chicken, 1x Steak - $8
Whitney - 1x Steak - $4
Kimberley - 1x Vegetarian - $4
Chenyu - 1x Steak - $4
Ted - 1x Chicken, 1x Vegetarian - $3!!!!
Marina - 1x Vegetarian - $4
Petar - 1x Chicken - $4
Kevin - 1x Steak, 1x Chicken - $7!!!!!
Haotian - 1x Vegetarian - $4
Jenny - 1x Steak, 1x Chicken/Veggie - $8
Andrew - 2x Vegetarian - $8
Joy - 1x Steak - $4
Kurt - 1x Steak - $4
Erik - 1x Barbacoa - $4
257  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.19 Tournament Flyering on: October 20, 2010, 01:49:17 AM
So I still have about 1500 flyers and posters printed but they won't do any good if they just stay in my apartment.  If you can drop by my apartment to pick up a stack and post up or hand out at your own time, please let me know.  Also preferably don't wait till the week of the tournament to post these.  Undecided

On a side note, the posters dwarf everyone else's. Grin Other ideas on where to put these up would be great since most bulletin boards on campus are quite hostile.

258  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.19 Tournament Flyering on: October 18, 2010, 01:01:00 AM
And... so we went full circle back to Tuesday evening. Tongue I'm okay with it - we'll just settle for Tuesday 8pm for now I guess.  Waiting on responses from Joy/Perlin/Mayant/Carol though.
259  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.19 Tournament Flyering on: October 18, 2010, 12:55:45 AM
That is the 61A midterm.
260  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.19 Tournament Flyering on: October 18, 2010, 12:27:08 AM
Probably better off each of us posting flyers individually.  Can you meet me between classes tomorrow? I'll be going to Soda at 12:30 and going to Pimentel at 2.
I'll give you a stack of the flyers.  I can post up on most of the Southside buildings (Barrows, Morrison, Wurster, ...).  Can you take care of the northside ones? (Evans, Stanley, Foothill)
261  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.19 Tournament Flyering on: October 17, 2010, 11:48:19 PM
Okay, what about before noon Monday? I have all morning free.
262  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.19 Tournament Flyering on: October 17, 2010, 02:37:39 PM
What time does it end? I'm free most of the evening Tuesday.
263  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.19 Tournament Flyering on: October 17, 2010, 01:59:04 PM
Moved to Tuesday due to rain today.  Can you guys make 5pm?
264  The Meld / Club Events / Oct.19 Tournament Flyering on: October 16, 2010, 06:16:40 PM
We'll be meeting this coming Tuesday to go across campus posting flyers.  It'll mainly be officers meeting up, but members are welcome to help out as well. Grin

Starting Time and Place:
Tuesday 5pm at 2525 Durant Ave (next to Asian Ghetto)

It shouldn't take more than two hours if we have enough people to help out.  We'll basically act like a swarm and each take on a building. Tongue

Sign up if you're coming, so I know.  And please bring staples and a stapler or tape.

265  The Meld / Club Events / Oct.22 Chipotle Night! Mmm, Food! on: October 16, 2010, 03:53:46 PM
Hey everyone,

     I hope midterms are going well so far.  If they are, then make sure to do better.  If they aren't, then.... well,... either way, don't forget we have our Canasta games again this Friday 7pm in 215 Dwinelle!  Tongue

     This week, we'll also be ordering a box of about 20 Chipotle burritos at a discounted price of $4/burrito (they normally cost about $7 ea. with tax).  If you normally worry about eating dinner before, after, or not at all, then don't be.  Cheesy

     Let us know what kind of burrito you'll want, and we'll make sure you get fed.  Reply to this email or post to the website, and remember to bring $4 on Friday.  Whatever you do, don't bring dinner unless you're planning to share. Tongue

     In the mean time, remember that signups for our 2010 Fall Tournament have officially begun.  Sign up with a partner as soon as you can at  If you don't have a partner, definitely drop by this Friday's meeting to see who else wants to team up.

266  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.11 Financial Meeting on: October 11, 2010, 06:21:42 PM
Here's the financial info you guys will need to justify.  I might not be able to go, so someone please print this out and bring it to the meeting.

Club General
From Palaimon Cards:
- Card Decks ($20/12 decks, 60 decks) - $100
- Business Cards (1000x) - $50
- Postcards (1000x) - $50
- Banner - $50
- Table/Chairs - $50

Tournament/Ladder Prizes:
- Trophies - $25
- Certificates - $20
- Additional ladder prizes - $40-50

Self-sustaining Operations (to show we paid for a lot of the club already):
- Website/Ladder - sustained via ads/discounted hosting.
- Giftcards/Prizes - via sponsors
267  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.11 Financial Meeting on: October 11, 2010, 12:04:24 PM
Reminder to show up if you can. Smiley

And please don't be late.
268  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.10 Tournament Flyering on: October 10, 2010, 08:36:15 AM
Flyering cancelled today. Still haven't gotten the updated flyer with the sponsors etc + the website isn't up.

We'll reschedule for later this week or weekend of the 15th.  That still leaves us with 2 weeks before the tournament, but let's make sure to have it done by then.  I'll send out another email later detailing that once I find out what happened with the flyer/website.
269  The Meld / News and Announcements / Re: Melding Pot 10/8 on: October 09, 2010, 11:01:19 PM
That's fine! No worries! We don't expect anyone to come *every* Friday available.

Do try to sign up for our tournament in November though! Smiley
270  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Oct.10 Tournament Flyering on: October 07, 2010, 11:11:13 PM
Yes, can you follow up with her on that? It'll be your call what works and what doesn't. Hopefully she comes to the meeting tomorrow.
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