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46  The Meld / News and Announcements / Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November! on: October 07, 2010, 09:36:16 PM
    Hello you! You look like you could use some fun right about now! A quick break from midterms, projects, and essays, perhaps?

     Well the Berkeley Canasta Club has just the thing for you! Friday, November 5th and November 12th, we will be hosting our first ever Canasta Tournament!! The tournament is free and open to all students, which means you stand to lose nothing, but get a chance to earn some classy prizes (win or lose!) if you enter the tournament.

Here are some quick background details about the Tournament (don't worry if you don't understand it yet, we will discuss this in more detail at our next meeting.):

The tournament will be run Swiss-style. Each team (2 man teams) will play six rounds - three of them on November 5, three of them on November 12. There is no elimination. The match-up in the first round is random. In each subsequent round, teams are matched up according to how well they have done so far in the tournament.

Rounds are played to 1500 points. To simplify counting, only canastas (pure or mixed), red 3's, and going out count for points.

You can read the more at the Official Tournament Rules Page.  Once you find a partner, remember to SIGN UP for the tournament here!

     Don't know how to play? Don't have a partner? That's fine! Come out to our meeting this Friday, October 15th, 215 Dwinelle at 7pm to learn and find a partner! (Feel free to reply to this post as well to see who still needs a teammate. Smiley)

See you all at the meeting Friday! Smiley
47  The Meld / News and Announcements / Melding Pot 10/8 on: September 25, 2010, 12:46:39 AM
Hello hello, everyone!

Last week's meeting was amazing! With all the strategy discussions (tier2 ftw!), canastasizing, CARD SHUFFLER, fishing, and just straight up trying to confuse the opponents, we had tons of fun trying to trick everyone Grin. Whats even better about the individual member pages is that now there are actual graphs! (click on your name!) so that you can keep track of your improvements (and deprovements Tongue)!

Last week must have been one of the more epic Canasta meetings; after the meeting, a bunch of us went to the late night showing of Inception! Since most of us hadn't seen the movie yet, it was pretty epic! (Also, if you went to the movie night and have not paid William back yet, please bring $10.50 to tomorrows meeting).

As for tomorrow's meeting, since the theme is Melding Pot, members can bring any game they want to play! It'll be a day to try new games (or old ones), and just have fun! It doesn't necessarily have to be a card game, so bring along board games (and friends!!! you can still get the 10 points extra per friend deal!!) if you have them! We'll also be discussing how we want to market the tournament, so be sure to show up!

And as you all should know, the tournament is coming up soon! (Remember, remember, the fifth of November!) We will be talking in general about the tournament, like when it will take place and where you can sign up (We now have the sign up form up! You can sign up yourself and your partner here.)

See everyone tomorrow!  Smiley
48  The Meld / News and Announcements / The Fishing Hole 10/1 on: September 25, 2010, 12:43:45 AM
Sorry for the semi-lame title guys; I'm running out of ideas! Help me think of some, okay? Bring title ideas to our meeting on October 1st!!

No one is going to want to miss this next meeting! We're preparing for our upcoming tournament, which includes nifty prizes! Smiley So come prepared to find a partner (if you don't have one already) and maybe even sign up! Our next few meetings will also be focusing on letting you guys play in teams with your partner, so you should have a partner within the next 2 weeks. (it'll also be a good time to scout out the competition Wink).

You might be wondering why it is that the title is called the unofficial fishing. There is actually a very good reason for it, and that's because this Friday, October 1st, we will be discussing strategies! Should you meld right away so your partner knows what you have? Should you throw away a card you possibly need (unofficially called fishing, a term coined by David Huang)? Or maybe you want to keep all your cards in your hand (provided your pinky isn't too weak to hold up that many cards). All of these questions and more will be answered at our next meeting. Don't miss out because you'll want to know every strategy and trick you can for our upcoming tournament!

See you soon!

PS - The 10 points per friend deal is still going on!! It's never too late to invite people to join Smiley
49  The Meld / News and Announcements / So I Herd You Like Meldz - 9/24 on: September 19, 2010, 10:39:43 PM
Hey everyone!

Sorry for the delayed post! But yes, we do have a meeting this Friday, September 24th! Everyone is probably starting to get more work/projects/essays/midterms, but what can be more perfect than relieving stress and having fun while playing Canasta?

September is coming to a close, which means the Tournament is coming up in about a month! To get everyone used to playing competitively, this Friday is going to be dedicated to playing a mini tournament in two people teams!

Of course, the first half hour will be dedicated to challenges, especially since Joy Chen has yet to be unseated from her number 1 position! Shinsaku Uesugi comes in a close second, so maybe there'll be a showdown? Showdown or no showdown, I'm sure everyone will be competitive (or I still will be, anyway), and fight for a higher spot on the Ladder. Remember, being one of the top ranking players will win you a nice reward at the end of the semester, so keep playing hard!

See you guys this Friday!


Edit: Hi guys! I know some of you are pretty sad about not getting the 10 extra points for bringing a friend, but guess what? The Pointastic Deal doesn't end! For the rest of the semester, every new member you bring will get you (and them) 10 extra points! Smiley Doesn't that sound lovely? So start calling people up because 10 points comes in handy!
50  The Meld / Club Events / Sept. 17 Meeting - Pointastic! on: September 09, 2010, 11:00:25 PM
Hey everyone! Our next meeting will be on September 17! Surprise! =P This meeting's theme, or title, is Pointastic! Which means, if you didn't catch the meaning, extra points will be given out!! Which also means that you don't want to miss out on this meeting Smiley.

This meeting, and ONLY this meeting, you can earn up to 50 extra points!!! How? Well, all you have to do is bring a friend outside of Canasta Club, and you get free points! For every friend you bring, you can get an additional 10 points, with the limit of possible extra points at 50 (You can bring more than 5 friends, though! The more the merrier Smiley). And to make it fair to the new members, they also get the extra 10 points.

And since we're hoping to see a lot of new faces, a mini tournament seems a little too fast, so we will just be having challenges and teaching the new players, switching everyone up after every so often. So we hope to see everyone there, and then some! Remember, BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND GET MORE POINTSSSS!!

51  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Sept.10 General Meeting on: September 08, 2010, 09:38:45 PM
Hey guys Grin

As with the last few meetings, I'm thinking that we can start out with challenges (Carol Yu is still at the top of the ladder, and has been for a few weeks now. Will anyone be able to dethrone her? =P), teach any new members how to play, and then go into another mini tournament. This time will be different though! Everyone will partner up with someone they DON'T already know, so hopefully it'll make things more interesting Smiley. Making the winning partners play each other sounds like a good idea, and it'll be fun to see how it turns out! There's not much else to say, so I hope to see everyone there on Friday! Bring your friends!! Grin


Edit: We should also have an announcement at the end of the meeting of where else everyone can play, outside of club meetings. =P
52  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Aug.22 Planning and Discussion on: August 22, 2010, 02:21:42 PM
hey, just a heads up that ive invited two other people to come tonight. and it turns out carol is back already, so she's probably coming too Smiley
53  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Aug.26 Calapalooza on: August 20, 2010, 11:11:58 PM
yay! im interested in helping i guess Grin i have class until 5 though -.-
54  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Aug.22 Planning and Discussion on: August 20, 2010, 11:08:04 PM
ooooops. my bad for not responding earlier and whatnot -.- sunday sounds good for me, i feel like i havent been keeping up with whats been happening, haha. i read some of the emails but i was at work so i didnt respond :x anywayyy, i will be there sunday night Grin just let me know where!
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