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16  The Meld / Club Events / Beyond the Levels on: October 12, 2011, 04:25:27 PM
See everyone Friday! :D
17  The Meld / Club Events / Picking a Strategy on: October 02, 2011, 12:35:14 PM
Time to start experimenting with different strategy types and see what works out best for you! This meeting we will be trying out all the different strategies and seeing the real effects of 0<1<2<0 and how you can even switch strategies in the middle of a game!

See everyone soon! :)
18  The Meld / EVERYTHING / Re: Movie Nights on: September 26, 2011, 07:28:01 PM
I'm down! Let's gooooo! Kevin says he's up for it too.
19  The Meld / Club Events / Strategy: Level 2 on: September 23, 2011, 08:11:56 PM
Hey everyone! This weeks class (still in 88 Dwinelle, 7pm) will be on level 2 strategy! You guys will finally be learning the infamous strategy known in the club as Fishing! We'll be discussing the strategy and the seemingly not so intuitive reason behind throwing away cards you DO want!

Not a decal student? Not a problem! Come by anyway as we'll be having tons of fun with board games and maybe even go watch Moneyball after!

See everyone soon :)

20  The Meld / EVERYTHING / Book Club on: September 17, 2011, 01:31:43 AM

Searching for a goal in life? Can't think of anything? Let's finish the Top 200 Books List!

21  The Meld / Club Events / Strategy: Level 1 on: September 16, 2011, 08:15:27 PM
So now that everyone knows a little level 0 strategy, it's time to up the stakes! This Friday, September 23rd, in 88 Dwinelle at 7pm, we'll be teaching everyone level 1 strategy! What card should you discard now? What your opponent doesn't want, of course!

We'll have a short lecture and jump right into playing a few games with the new tricks we learn, and possibly even have another king of the hill! Remember that the Tournament at the end of the class will be a PARTNER tournament! Get a head start now by playing with and against everyone!

Not a decal student? Not a problem! Swing by anyway as anyone is welcome to join in on the fun!

See everyone Friday! =D

22  The Meld / Club Events / Sept.16 Strategy: Level 0 on: September 10, 2011, 12:37:28 PM
Hello everyone! I hope you guys had a nice week; it's about to get better! At our meeting this Friday, September 16th, in 88 Dwinelle at 7pm, we will begin our discussion on strategy!!

Now that everyone has had a few games of experience and a general feel for the game, anyone have a certain style of playing? Discarding only 4's? Melding everything you can? We'll be discussing all the different "level 1" strategies, such as discarding what you don't want, and whether or not it's worth it to discard that wild. Canasta just got upgraded to a whole new level ( Smiley

As always, non-decal members are encouraged to show up! Anyone who shows up gets to play, even if you're not in the decal. We'lll be playing Canasta 7-9, but after is a matter of what everyone wants to do. We're down to do anything and everything!

See everyone this Friday!
23  The Meld / News and Announcements / First Day of Class! on: September 06, 2011, 04:20:03 PM

     Hello everyone and welcome to the first semester of the Canasta DeCal! Just a reminder the first day of class will be this Friday, September 9, at 7pm in 88 Dwinelle. You are not required to bring anything but yourselves as we'll be providing the cards and everything else you'll be needing to play.

For DeCal students!
     We'll be going over administrative details, such as what we'll be doing this semester, what to expect, what it takes to fail this course...  After that we'll jump straight into teaching everyone the basics of the game and letting you learn the game hands on.

    Important Administrative Announcement: This course is only 1 unit.  The berkeley site is slow to update this, but if you cannot/don't want to take this as a result, please drop immediately.

For everyone else! (and waitlist/audit)
     Still absolutely come! Everyone gets to play regardless if they are in the DeCal or not, all the games will be here, the club is still here.  If you don't know how to play Canasta, as usual, we will teach you! Smiley
The only difference now is that the first couple hours will be strictly Canasta.  After that... the usual. Grin

See you all this Friday! =D


P.S. For questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to go ahead and reply to this thread.  You should all have an account and be able to reply or start discussions via email or website, just like with GoogleGroups.
24  The Meld / Club Events / International Adventure on: July 28, 2011, 12:14:52 PM
For this Friday, July 29th, we will be having an International Adventure!

The Plan (or lack thereof):
5pm-7pm - Tennis! (Hearst Courts)
7pm-8pm - Dinner at International House!
8pm - ?? - Canasta? Smiley Movie? LoL? Basically whatever we want.

Hope to see everyone there!
25  The Meld / News and Announcements / Re: Harry Potter part 2 on: July 14, 2011, 07:08:15 PM
how much are the tickets?
26  The Meld / News and Announcements / The Other Best Ice Cream on: July 07, 2011, 12:12:47 PM
Hello, hello, everyone! I hope summer is going swell for you guys, and in lieu of our huge ice cream adventure success last Friday (Friday, Friday), we will be having another one tomorrow, July 8th! This time we won't be heading far from Berkeley, because also on the list of Best Ice Cream places is none other than Fenton's! Grin

The Plan (or lack thereof):
5PM - TENNIS!!! Grin Hearst courts
7PM - Transit, Dinner, and ice cream at Fenton's!

The transit:
7:22PM - Get on the 12, stop is on Allston Way, street right before BART
8:00PM - Arrive and omnomnom! Grin
~9:00PM - Walk to Telegraph Ave. and get on the 1 back to Berkeley

Yay! I hope this isn't too last minute, and see everyone tomorrow!

27  The Meld / News and Announcements / Reunion! on: May 06, 2011, 06:55:46 PM
Hey everyone! I hope finals studying (or whatever else you've been busy with) has been going well! Smiley

Since we've all been working so hard (or not), a little break is in order! So today, May 6th (seis de Mayo), we're having a canasta reunion at Crossroads for late night!! William has kindly volunteered to swipe everyone in, so come on out to our final get together before the school year ends! We'll be meeting outside Crossroads at 9:50pm sharp and heading in together, so don't be late! Tongue

Questions, comments, concerns? Just shoot back a reply or call/text.

Hope to see everyone soon,
28  The Meld / Club Events / Re: Marina's Birthday! on: March 13, 2011, 01:46:49 PM
i can't make it! i have class 6-8 Sad. have fun though!
29  The Meld / News and Announcements / Field Trip! on: March 08, 2011, 09:04:01 PM
Hey everyone, I bet you guys are really sad to have missed the Lawrence Hall of Science/Botanical Garden trip, so to make up for that, we're having another field trip! This Friday, March 11th, instead of meeting up and playing Canasta, we're going to take a field trip to see Theatre Rice perform! Unless you guys don't want to, that is.

Reply to this email/sign up to let us know if you want to go so we can buy presale tickets! Presale is $5 and it's $7 at the door. If not enough people show interest, we can always just fall back on meeting up like a regular Friday. We also have the rest of the night after the show to play Canasta/watch movies/go to Crossroads, but it's all up to you guys! So please reply/sign up asap! Grin

A little more information on the Theatre Rice event:

March 11th, 7pm-10pm


(stolen from their facebook page)

Hope to hear from everyone soon!

30  The Meld / Club Events / Tenasta! (Tennis and Canasta) on: March 04, 2011, 06:13:13 PM
Canasta! 136 Barrows!

Bring tennis shoes because we might play tennis afterward! Grin

See you all soon!

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