Canasta Club

The Meld => News and Announcements => Topic started by: pftq on October 07, 2011, 08:05:18 PM

Title: Oct.16 Six Flags Fright Fest
Post by: pftq on October 07, 2011, 08:05:18 PM
    Canasta Club is going to Six Flags for Halloween on Oct.16! They have RIDES, AMINALS, and HAUNTED HOUSES TENTS. If we can get 15 people it's only $26 per person, otherwise it's $40 per person; bring an additional $10 or so if you're taking the bus with us.

    If you are interested in joining us as well, please let us know!! Just sign up on the website, link at bottom of email. :)

The Plan (or lack thereof)

What to Bring:
- Camera
- Yourself
- $40 for ticket/bus
- Money for food and souvenirs.
- Shoes that don't fly off.

8:20am: Meet at BART (2160 Shattuck)
8:30am: Take BART to El Cerrito, then Bus 80 to Vallejo Ferry, 85 to Six Flags
10:00am: Get to Six Flags - Yay!
12:00pm: Lunch at back of park (food court).
1-8pm: Yay for 7 hours
8:00pm: Regroup at front.
7:30/9:30pm: Walk to Bus 85, ..yadayada.. Berkeley.
8:30/11:30pm: Get home and bah.

Title: Re: Oct.16 Six Flags Fright Fest
Post by: Marina Handwerk on October 13, 2011, 01:44:42 PM
I probably can't go after all.