Canasta Club

The Basket => The DeCal => Topic started by: pftq on September 10, 2011, 03:43:02 AM

Title: DeCal Clarifications
Post by: pftq on September 10, 2011, 03:43:02 AM
The syllabus for the DeCal is available here:

As a reminder, you will need to submit about 3 games each week, each with a short paragraph response in the comments (just how the game went, what you applied or challenges during the game).  We will start enforcing this in the 2nd week of the DeCal.

Attendance will also be kept on the website.  If you want to make sure we got your name down for a certain Friday, just find the event in the Calendar ( and view the attendance list (usually uploaded by the coming Monday).
Example for first meeting:

When arranging games to play against other DeCal/Club members, feel free to use the Find Games ( system.

Any other questions about the DeCal, feel free to ask here. :)

Title: Re: DeCal Clarifications
Post by: pftq on September 12, 2011, 12:32:00 PM
Two updates:
1) The department finally realized they only updated the lower division course.  Upper division should be 1 unit as well now by 7pm tonight.
2) The grading system has been finished.  You should be able to click your name in the Members Database ( if you're a DeCal member and see your grade breakdown.  The first week is not counted but is displayed just for demonstration right now.

If you are just now adding the class to TeleBears and don't see your name designated as DeCal Member in the Database (, please let us know (we don't get any updates from TeleBears).  Same if you are dropping the course.

Title: Re: DeCal Clarifications
Post by: hurrah on September 12, 2011, 07:25:23 PM
sweet. i enrolled now. so please update me to being a decal member! name is Andrew Lau, nick is hurrah. Thanks