Title: Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco (4/17) Post by: 97057 on April 10, 2011, 12:25:25 AM So as Perlin's roommate Whitney kindly pointed out, there's a cool Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco this week and next week. Obviously since today passed, and tomorrow is too soon, we're going to go next week. Because of Calday on 4/16, we're going to go there on 4/17.
http://nccbf.org/ is the general website http://nccbf.org/index.php/schedule-of-events for a list of events What to Bring: - Camera - Yourself - $7.30 for the BART ticket - Money for food and souvenirs. So the general plan will be... 10:00 am Meet up at the BART station (2160 Shattuck) 10:30 am Ride the BART/get there around (at civic center) 11:00 am Get to the festival center 12-5 pm Have fun / possibly get dinner in Japantown As for the general logistics of it, if anybody's curious... Downtown Berkeley Bart Station to Civic Center (about 26 min, fare is $3.65 per way, $7.30 both ways) (http://i53.tinypic.com/or02nb.jpg) (http://i53.tinypic.com/6p0zys.jpg) (yes, A/B are reversed) and the walking path here (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Market+St&daddr=Laguna+St&geocode=FXN4QAIdch20-A%3BFVWOQAIdjuWz-A&hl=en&mra=ltm&dirflg=w&sll=37.783096,-122.423229&sspn=0.018858,0.038581&ie=UTF8&z=16&layer=c&pw=2) (edit: I'm new to this planning stuff, so tell me if I missed anything xD. Thanks!) -Jerry Title: Re: Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco (4/17) Post by: pftq on April 17, 2011, 05:27:41 PM And... so Perlin didn't make it to her own event. :P
Title: Re: Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco (4/17) Post by: pftq on April 20, 2011, 06:59:59 PM Pictures up from this and more from later that day:
http://canasta.pftq.com/gallery/index.php?cat=3 |