Canasta Club

The Meld => News and Announcements => Topic started by: Marina Handwerk on February 14, 2011, 07:44:09 PM

Title: Feb.25 Meeting: The Game
Post by: Marina Handwerk on February 14, 2011, 07:44:09 PM
I bet you guys really like the title, huh? :)

Meeting on Friday! February 25th, 7pm-9pm, 136 Barrows. If you show up and no one is there, call one of us! As always, we'll be having tons of fun playing Canasta and other games.

Also this Friday, Superb is hosting a showing of Tangled at 7pm and 9pm, so hopefully we can make the 9pm one if you guys are interested :D. $3 for students!!

See everyone Friday!

Title: Re: Feb.25 Meeting: The Game
Post by: Marina Handwerk on February 24, 2011, 10:17:19 PM
For those lucky people who aren't sick.
Unless I feel much better tomorrow, I'll see you all next week.