Title: Oct.22 Chipotle Night! Mmm, Food! Post by: pftq on October 16, 2010, 03:53:46 PM (http://i55.tinypic.com/oivj11.png) Hey everyone,I hope midterms are going well so far. If they are, then make sure to do better. If they aren't, then.... well,... either way, don't forget we have our Canasta games again this Friday 7pm in 215 Dwinelle! :P This week, we'll also be ordering a box of about 20 Chipotle burritos at a discounted price of $4/burrito (they normally cost about $7 ea. with tax). If you normally worry about eating dinner before, after, or not at all, then don't be. ;D Let us know what kind of burrito you'll want, and we'll make sure you get fed. Reply to this email or post to the website, and remember to bring $4 on Friday. Whatever you do, don't bring dinner unless you're planning to share. :P In the mean time, remember that signups for our 2010 Fall Tournament have officially begun. Sign up with a partner as soon as you can at TheFifthOfNovember.com (http://thefifthofnovember.com/). If you don't have a partner, definitely drop by this Friday's meeting to see who else wants to team up. Bah! -William Title: Re: Oct.22 Chipotle Night! Mmm, Food! Post by: pftq on October 20, 2010, 08:32:59 PM Just a reminder to tell us what kind of burrito you want for Friday. The options are: Chicken, Steak, Carnitas (Pork), Barbocoa (beef). They each come with chips, salsa, and guacamole. Normally you just get the burrito for $7, so this really is pretty nice for $4. :)
So far: William - 1x Chicken - $4 Perlin - 1x Chicken, 1x Steak - $8 Whitney - 1x Steak - $4 Kimberley - 1x Vegetarian - $4 Chenyu - 1x Steak - $4 Ted - 1x Chicken, 1x Vegetarian - $3!!!! Marina - 1x Vegetarian - $4 Petar - 1x Chicken - $4 Kevin - 1x Steak, 1x Chicken - $7!!!!! Haotian - 1x Vegetarian - $4 Jenny - 1x Steak, 1x Chicken/Veggie - $8 Andrew - 2x Vegetarian - $8 Joy - 1x Steak - $4 Kurt - 1x Steak - $4 Erik - 1x Barbacoa - $4 Title: Re: Oct.22 Chipotle Night! Mmm, Food! Post by: Chenyu Zhao on October 20, 2010, 08:39:34 PM Steak please :D
-Chenyu Title: Re: Oct.22 Chipotle Night! Mmm, Food! Post by: Ted Sanders on October 20, 2010, 08:47:27 PM I'll take a Chicken and a Vegetarian. (And any extras you end up with.)
Thanks. :) Title: Re: Oct.22 Chipotle Night! Mmm, Food! Post by: lazypando on October 21, 2010, 06:53:43 PM nomnomnom chipotle =O
i want steak too (: Title: Re: Oct.22 Chipotle Night! Mmm, Food! Post by: Erik Bertelli on October 22, 2010, 11:29:29 AM Sorry for the late reply. I will take a barbacoa.
Erik Sent from my iPhone |